Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Peace for those who overcome.

May the following words encourage those who may have stumbled onto this site hoping for a time out in the self gratifying world that is out there.

Now, sex is not a topic that is easily discussed. Easily done in the hollywood world of glamour. Hard for me to understand when
even me-man get stuck in that abyss and have a hard time digging themselves out of the quicksand trap-a morass. if all of the money that went into this industry went into social welfare, the society would be a lot better off.

Yet, as I write these words, I confess that I get "mildly aroused" when I look at an ad of some cheerleaders in a pose where I can let my imagination roam briefly. Thanks to God I don't ramble anymore there. but still I committed a sin.

help me Lord to remember they are people in the ads of beauty. Not objects of skin to look at.

May these more periodic views help those who are trapped and keep me on the path of greater sexual purity lately.

Thanks for letting me confess that smaller sin so I don't let a bigger one take root within me.

go to the Pg Site at
for more on my walk with Jesus.

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